Tuesday 21 February 2012

600m TT

600m TT - 87.01. With Caleb at Homebush

We were greeted by a typical Sydney afternoon gale which made Caleb's already difficult goal of 56sec nigh on impossible. He did a great job going through 200m in just under 29sec but I felt the pace slow at 300m into the heavy wind, I went past at 350m feeling great, through 400m in 58.0 and held it together in the last 200m.

Only just touched lactic so it's time to crank up the intensity, just need a couple more weeks of hard work then I get to race :-)


  1. Nice to be under 90 after a 100 mile week, with a bit of work you'll be sub 2 no problem, then that 1:55 will come, but you are going to have to cut back the miles.

    Will be reading to see it unfold.

  2. That's true Dion, I'm lifting the intensity and decreasing the volume for the rest of track season.

  3. You've got a new nickname: Gary "just two more weeks" Howard.

  4. Thanks Jamie, very happy with the progress given the rubbish Winter. Caleb is never far away from 800m to 1/2 marathon fitness. He well and truly dropped me at 18km's on Sunday and was 90ish yesterday off zero speed work. If form warrants I might extend until National Masters in Melbourne at Easter, you interested in going?

    Tom 'you'll owe me $50' Highnam.

  5. Good going Gary specially as windy.
    Tommy must be motivating you!
